Top 5 Tips to Protect your Mental Wellbeing Whilst Staying at Home.

As we approach the first birthday of the global pandemic (which we hoped would have been over by now), we wanted to check in on you. Despite the uncertainty and chaos, some questions remain the same. How do I cope with the current situation?
Thanks to our Walk with Path community, here are some useful tips for you that we hope will make this easier.
Let's get started!
We are spending so much time indoors lately, so it is important to remain active and keep an eye on our health. Here are some problems we have all come across with some useful solutions.
1. Do you snack too often or forget to eat?
We have all been there. It's normal to feel stressed as your routines are changing. Eating can help distract us from what is going on around us and in the world. Stress can affect your ability to function as you normally would. It is all about finding the right balance that works for you.
Stress hormones trigger a fight response in your body, where it cannot differentiate between real threats and a perceived threat. Your body therefore believes it is in danger, craving extra fuel (food) to cope with anxiety. In this scenario, we tend to eat more to compensate for lost energy caused by stress. Stress can also affect your ability to feel hunger, resulting in either forgetting to eat or a loss of appetite altogether.
Tip: Keeping your mind busy and finding alternatives to coping with stress can regulate your eating habits. Why not try mediation, dancing to your favourite music, or online cooking lessons to spice up your day.
Keep reading to find out more ways of coping with these stressful times.
2. Missing your friends and family?
Sadly, we cannot meet loved ones as we used to at the moment. But luckily, with today's technology, you can connect with them in your own home.
Tips: Play a game with your family and friends! There are plenty of apps hosting a variety of virtual games that allow you to connect and have fun with important people in your life. Have you tried any of them yet? Here are some of our favourites;
Facetime, Zoom and other social media platforms are great ways to stay in touch with everyone. If you are struggling, Age UK has some good tips on technology to improve your tech skills.
3. Start a new hobby.
Lockdown boredom? We've got you! There are plenty of ways to get over this. This is the perfect time to start something new and to put your daily worries aside.
Try a new activity such as dancing, painting, meditation, playing an instrument, or something you have never done before. Choose something that interests you. You might surprise yourself, discovering a new fulfilling passion in your life.
4. Read, read, read.
Reading a book is one of the best ways to pass the time during lockdown. Transport yourself to a whole new world from the comfort of your home.
If reading a book isn't for you, try listening to a story instead. Podcasts and Amazon’s audible are great alternatives to reading. Try the Audible selection of free reads.
5. A bit of relief...
Take advantage of your daily dose of exercise to explore the outdoors. Imagine that you could reward yourself with a post exercise massage.
Did you know that we are soon launching a revolutionary portable massage insole which helps provide an escape for both your feet and mind?
You will be able to conveniently leave the insole in your trainers and have your foot massager following you wherever you go.